
Installing with pip#

cortecs is distributed on PyPI. It can be installed with

pip install cortecs

Installing from source#

cortecs is developed on GitHub. If you received the code as a tarball or zip, feel free to skip the first two lines; they essentially download the source code. We recommend running the below lines in a fresh conda environment to avoid package dependency isues.

python3 -m pip install -U pip
python3 -m pip install -U setuptools setuptools_scm pep517
git clone
cd cortecs
python3 -m pip install -e .

If you plan on using the neural network-based compression method of cortecs, run the last line as

python3 -m pip install -e .[neural_networks]

We plan to distribute cortecs through conda as well at a later date.

Test the installation#

To ensure that the installation has been performed smoothly, run

python3 -c 'import cortecs'

To ensure the code is working as expected, feel free to run the unit and integration tests included with the package. From the outermost cortecs directory, run

python3 -m unittest discover src/cortecs/tests

These tests should only take a couple of minutes to run on a laptop.