
cortecs uses the below freely available integrations and services:

Code style#

  • black: a Python code-formatter. It generally conforms to PEP-8 standards, but it does so in a very deterministic manner. The pre-commit configuration is located in .pre-commit-config.yaml.

  • isort: a tool for sorting imports in Python files. Similarly to black, the basic pre-commit configuration is located in .pre-commit-config.yaml.

  • yamllint: lints our YAML files, checking them for bugs, syntax errors, and general style. The associated configuration file is .yamllint, which attaches to the pre-commit hook.

Continuous integration#

  • Codecov: checks what percentage of our code base is covered in our automated tests. Ideally, we’d like to keep our coverage above 95% if it is in a production environment. Relevant configurations are noted in codecov.yml.

  • GitHub Actions: A number of the services described in this page are implemented as GitHub Actions, which manifest as checks on different commits. In general, we would like all of our checks to pass before pull requests are merged. Configuration files for GitHub Actions are contained in .github/workflows.

  • pre-commit hooks: these can be applied to any local commits. The associated configuration file is .pre-commit-config.yml.